What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Releasing WatermarQue Plus Version 2

Mac software WatermarQue Plus

TOKYO (MacHouse) – WatermarQue Plus is MacHouse‘s No. 4 most selling software title. It’s mostly used by European Mac users. We didn’t update it for 9 months. Today, we have released WatermarQue Plus Version 2. The new version has a new icon, a better built-in video player and a better user interface.

Mac software WatermarQue Plus
Source: MacHouse

Mac people use WatermarQue Plus to watermark any number of image files at a time. It’s a unique batch-watermarking application because it allows the user to import video clips and take movie snapshots. WatermarQue Plus allows the user to send those movie snapshots directly to its image list.

Click on the button for more information on WatermarQue Plus. VTC

WatermarQue Plus is a product of MacHouse.

Little Disc+ Updated to 2.1.4

MacHouse freeware Little Disc

TOKYO (MacHouse) – MacHouse, the software developer of many Mac freeware applications, has updated its disc image utility to 2.1.4 with many fixes and improvements. One new feature is called Create Blank Read/Write Disc Images, allows users to create a multiple number of blank read/write disc images (DMG, SPARSEBUNDLE, SPARSEIMAGE) up to 100 consecutively at a time.

MacHouse freeware Little Disc  

Click on the button for more information on Little Disc+. VTC

Little Disc+ is a product of MacHouse

WPWriter – Freeware Title for Mac and Windows – Debuts

MacHouse freeware WPWriter

TOKYO (MacHouse) – MacHouse has released its 4th freeware title of the month. WPWriter is a simple HTML editor that is designed to assist WordPress users to write blog articles easily. WordPress has a built-in visual HTML editor, whose editing area is quite small and cannot be changed. WPWriter gives you flexibility in this respect, and users can expand the editing area up to 2,000 x 1,150 pixels. WPWriter also supports contextual menus and shortcut keys for most built-in functions so that users can minimize their time in writing WordPress articles.

MacHouse freeware WPWriter

WPWriter is an HTML editor and nothing more. It is simply intended to assist WordPress users in their writing articles. When you finish writing an article, you still have to use a web browser to access your own WordPress website and paste the HTML code you have created with WPWriter.

Click on the button to learn more about WPWriter and/or download your free copy. VTC

WPWriter is a product of MacHouse.
WordPress is a product of WordPress.Org.

MacHouse – A World of Evil Spam Terrorists: Spam us to put yourself on our spam database.

Mac MacHouse

It’s finally up and running although there are not many features yet. MacHouse – A World of Evil Spam Terrorists will show you the scene behind the door for those who do not run websites. Our spam database will show you who are victims of spam operations and who sponsor them.

MacHouse - A World of Evil Spam Terrorists

If you are a spammer, get the message. Spam us to put yourself on our spam database. We will destroy your spam business and your spam sponsors.

If we know spam criminals have dangerous tools today, does it make sense for the world to wait?

What’s Coming Next…

Mac MacHouse

Over the next several days, we will be releasing at least 5 to 6 video tutorials for Boris RED 4 (4.1). Boris RED is a stand-alone 2D/3D animation application similar to Adobe After Effects and Apple’s Motion to some extent. There are several advantages for using this application over After Effects and Motion. Also, there are several disadvantages. Continue reading