BookmarksX Video Tutorial: 03 – Snapshot

Mac software BookmarksX

This QuickTime video shows the basic workflow of BookmarksX, a Mac software title programmed and distributed by MacHouse. BookmarksX is an advanced version of bkBrowser, which is currently available as a freeware title while BookmarksX is only available to licensed users. BooksmarksX allows users to catalog website bookmarks with snapshots and keep track of their Google PageRanks. Additionally, licensed users can look up Google PageRanks of as many as 100 URLs simultaneously.

Mac software BookmarksX Mac software BookmarksX

This brief QuickTime video shows how BookmarksX’s Snapshot feature works. BookmarksX allows users to take a snapshot of a webpage or any window and save it as a graphic image at the location they specify. This feature is also available in bkBrowser.   Continue reading

BookmarksX Video Tutorial: 02 – PageRanks

Mac software BookmarksX

This QuickTime video shows the basic workflow of BookmarksX, a Mac software title programmed and distributed by MacHouse. BookmarksX is an advanced version of bkBrowser, which is currently available as a freeware title while BookmarksX is only available to licensed users. BooksmarksX allows users to catalog website bookmarks with snapshots and keep track of their Google PageRanks. Additionally, licensed users can look up Google PageRanks of as many as 100 URLs simultaneously.

Mac software BookmarksX Mac software BookmarksX

This brief QuickTime video shows the demonstration of BookmarksX’s PageRanks. Let’s see how long it takes BookmarksX to analyze 10 URLs and find their Google PageRanks.   Continue reading

BookmarksX Video Tutorial: 01 – Basic Workflow

Mac software BookmarksX

This QuickTime video shows the basic workflow of BookmarksX, a Mac software title programmed and distributed by MacHouse. BookmarksX is an advanced version of bkBrowser, which is currently available as a freeware title while BookmarksX is only available to licensed users. BooksmarksX allows users to catalog website bookmarks with snapshots and keep track of their Google PageRanks. Additionally, licensed users can look up Google PageRanks of as many as 100 URLs simultaneously.

Mac software BookmarksX Mac software BookmarksX

This QuickTime video introduces the basic workflow of BookmarksX. It shows how to create bookmark folders and make bookmark profiles.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Next? – MacHouse Introducing BookmarksX

Mac software BookmarksX

TOKYO (MacHouse) – MacHouse has just released its 4th Mac software product of the month. It’s called BookmarksX, an advanced version of bkBrowser.

BookmarksX lets users catalog bookmarks with website snapshots and page ranks. Users can rate each website and write notes about it with styled text. BookmarksX will analyze each bookmark and find its Google PageRank. It will also automatically query its nameservers and whois information if it has a .com, .edu, .net or .org. top-level domain. Licensed users can look up page ranks of up to 100 URLs simultaneously.

Mac software BookmarksX

Click on the button for more information on BookmarksX. VTC

BookmarksX is a product of MacHouse.