What’s Coming Up Next? – Sr. Tomato Introducing TomatoAnimatedPieChart Framework for iOS

Swift free framework iOS

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – Before we enter November, I have to introduce another free Swift framework to you guys. This new framework is called TomatoAnimatedPieChart Framework.

TomatoAnimatedPieChart Framework lets you create a simple 2D pie chart. Each pie in the chart will increase its size in animation. The following is a list of features.

  1. Create a pie chart with colors of your selection.
  2. Adjust the animation speed.
  3. Show the name of each pie at the bottom.

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What’s Coming Up Next? – Sr. Tomato Introducing TomatoHorizontalBottomMenu Framework for iOS

Swift free framework iOS

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – It was quite hot till a few weeks ago. Suddenly Susan, it’s getting code. Ughh… I hate the cold weather. Well, anyway, Sr. Tomato is back with iOS free Swift Framework No. 7! This new framework is called TomatoHorizontalBottomMenu Framework.

TomatoHorizontalBottomMenu Framework lets you create a horizontal, scrollable menu at the bottom of the screen. Each sub-menu corresponds to a specific view controller. Since the entire menu content is scrollable, you can add as many sub-menus as you want to the horizontal menu. The following is a list of features.

  1. Add five, six or as many sub-menus as you want to the horizontal menu.
  2. Use an image to characterize each sub-menu.
  3. Use two label colors, normal and highlight. The latter applies to the view controller that is currently selected.
  4. Have options of having or not having a cave-in area at the top.
  5. Adjust the cave-in width.
  6. Have options of having or not having a vertical line between sub-menus.

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What’s Coming Up Next? – Sr. Tomato Introducing TomatoStepProgress Framework for iOS

Swift free framework iOS

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – Yes, it’s again! Here comes iOS free Swift Framework No. 6. This new framework is called TomatoStepProgress Framework.

TomatoStepProgress is a customizable Swift framework that shows a series of steps that the user has to complete and their current progress at the top of the view of each view controller. The following is a list of features.

  1. Have options of blinking or not blinking the current step position with two different colors.
  2. Adjust the speed of blinking the current step position.
  3. Adjust the diameter of the position circles and other settings.

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What’s Coming Up Next? – Sr. Tomato Introducing TomatoVerticalMenuMania Framework for iOS

Swift free framework iOS

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – Here comes iOS free Swift Framework No. 5. This new framework is called TomatoVerticalMenuMania Framework.

TomatoVerticalMenuMania lets you create a vertical, scrollable menu to the left of the screen. Each button corresponds to a specific view controller. You can hide and show the navigation item button with or without animation, which is up to you. The following is a list of features.

  1. List a number of buttons, each of which corresponds to a specific view controller.
  2. Use an image to characterize a corresponding view controller.
  3. Let the user scroll up and down on the menu to select a button.
  4. Show a pentagon or square marker to indicate which sub-menu has currently been selected.
  5. Customize the color of the selection marker.

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What’s Coming Up Next? – Sr. Tomato Introducing TomatoHorizontalMenu Framework for iOS

Swift free framework iOS

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – I released the third free iOS framework for Swift just several hours ago. And I’m ready to release the fourth one now. This new framework is called TomatoHorizontalMenu.

TomatoHorizontalMenu lets you create a horizontally-scrollable menu right below the navigation controller for switching from one view controller to another. The following is a list of features.

  1. List any number of tappable sum-menus, each of which can be directed to a specific view controller.
  2. The default height of the horizontal menu is 60 points and can be flexible.
  3. The default space between the tappable labels is 30 points can be flexible.
  4. You have options of letting the framework set auto layout such that the horizontal menu will automatically adjust when the device is lotated.
  5. You can customize the highlighted label text color and non-highlighted label text color.

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