What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing Scrapboard for Mac OS X

Mac OS X software Scrapboard

TOKYO (MacHouse) – My household refrigerator is big and full of sticky notes. There are phone numbers posted here and there. Which household doesn’t have a refrigerator with some kid drawings and pictures? If you wish you had a desktop screen just like that with pictures and phone numbers, try an application called Scrapboard, which we submitted to Mac App Store just about a few hours ago.

Scrapboard is a desktop application whose window looks just like a bulletin board. It’s a virtual bulletin board where you can post pictures, text notes, schedule notes with events and dates. You can freely grab and then move a post anywhere around this resizable personal information board. How do you create a picture post? All you have to do is drag and drop a picture right onto the scrap board. Can you handle that? Create a post by specifying the date of an event. Let Scrapboard monitor your events so that you will be reminded of events that are soon to arrive. Create a backup data file easily and share your data across different computers.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing Planet Factory for Mac OS X

Mac OS X software Planet Factory

TOKYO (MacHouse) – It’s been more than two weeks since we introduced the last software title, hasn’t it? What have we been up to lately? We’ve been learning to use a totally new framework. It’s the Scene Kit framework. This framework lets us work with 3D graphics. Speaking of Scene Kit, we submitted a new software title that implements it to Mac App Store a few hours ago. This new release is called Planet Factory.

Planet Factory is a desktop application that lets you graphically design a solar system of your own. The application implements SceneKit, an Objective-C framework for realizing 3D graphics, so that the user can 3D plot planets on a 2D canvas. You have a cameara that captures the entire scene at a distance involving planets and a light source, the sun. Planet Factory doesn’t just let you plot planets. You can easily save the entire solar system that a camera captures to your disk as a picture. You can of course create a single planet and then save that planet to your disk as a picture as well.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing CutAround for Mac OS X

Mac OS X software CutAround

TOKYO (MacHouse) – Obviously, Apple, Inc. has been seriously preparing for the release of Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite for the past several days. We can tell that because they are not reviewing iOS submissions. It looks like they’ve assigned a large army of reviewers to working on Yosemite. That doesn’t stop us from working on new desktop application, though. In fact, we just submit a new desktop application to Mac App Store several hours ago. This new submission is called CutAround.

CutAround is a simple desktop application that lets you cut out a circular area of a picture with a click of a button. You can of course define a circular area size. Just pan the picture itself to define an area you want to cut out. Do you wan to border the cutout with a color? No problema nada… Just pick a color and a border size.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing LiteReader for Mac OS X

Mac OS X software LiteReader

TOKYO (MacHouse) – For the past three weeks, we’ve been working on data management applications. Last month, we released OrganizeX Essential and OrganizeX Mobile. Developing this type of applications requires that we closely watch the database content. If an application encrypts data not as a whole but on the basis of individual records, you will run into a small problem. Our existing software title called ViewSQL Pro lets us view the table content. But it won’t let us view actual text values if records are encrypted individually. There is another problem. If you have a field with the blob data type, you can probably tell that some information fills a cell. But you can’t really tell if those bits of data will actually turn into an image. So what can we do about that? As usual, we develop a new software title. In fact, we submitted a new software title to Mac App Store several hours ago. This new submission is called LiteReader.

The main objective of Lite Reader is to let the user view the table content of an SQLite database file. SQLite is a widely-used data management system supported by Mac OS X, iOS, Android software developers. LiteReader supports two community-maintained AES wrappers called AESCrypt-ObjC and RNCryptor for Objective-C in decrypting data on the basis of individual records. LiteReader also lets you decode blob data into a viewable image.   Continue reading