Mac App Store Apps with OS X Lion

Mac MacHouse

So Mac OS X Lion is out. We’ve tested almost all our software titles that are available at Mac App Store. We regret to inform that at least two of them are unlikely to run under Mac OS X Lion.

  1. FileTidy: The way Mac OS handles the view arrangement of files has changed. We used to press Control + Shift + 3, 4 or whatever under Snow Leopard. It’s now totally different under Lion. It would be easier for us to release a separate update that would run only under Lion. But that’s not how Mac App Store works. To our understanding, Mac App Store applications must run under Snow Leopard and Lion.
  2. QuickMarks: We were going to update this software title. In fact, we’ve submitted an update to Mac App Store. They’ve just informed us that it will crash after the user drags and drops a piece of clipped text onto the drop box once or twice. In fact, they are right. The application doesn’t crash under Snow Leopard. For now, we cannot figure out why it will crash under Lion.

Lion Oddities for Mac Software Developers

Mac OS X Lion nightmare

So Mac OS X 10.7 is finally out. This OS release can be quite trouble-making for those who distribute their software products through Mac App Store, which Apple, Inc. opened in January 6th.

Mac OS X Lion nightmare
Screenshot 1 – Source: MacHouse

If you develop Mac software products, you probably know that the primary location where your application is allowed to access and store files is Application Support. More specifically, the path is Users/User/Library/Application Support/(application name)/. As you see in Screenshot 1, however, you don’t find ‘Library’ inside the User folder. Under Mac OS X 10.7, this folder is hidden. So you have to reveal invisible files at first to access the Library folder. If you have done so, you may probably want to add it to the sidebar. (See Screenshot 2.) If you click on the favorite folder you’ve just added, whether invisible files have been revealed or not, you can have quick access to the Library folder.   Continue reading

Mac App Store Rejects a Software Update for DeskPics

Mac software DeskPics

It has been more than two months (two months) since we submitted a software update for DeskPics. Today, Mac App Store rejected this software update by saying the following.

The app does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes.

We have found that changing the file type the screen shot is saved to requires two actions: Selecting the file type from the displayed list, then choosing the same file type (in the form of an extension) from a file name dialog. This is confusing to users, and should be simplified or clarified in the application (not in just documentation).

The App Review Board has reviewed this information ahead of time and has upheld this violation.

Mac App Store has repeatedly rejected this software update in the past two months for baseless reasons. We’ve tried very hard to explain why their rejection reasons are wrong. There is nothing more than we can do to deliver this software update to current users.

Software Updates Compatible with OS X Lion

Mac MacHouse

Apple, Inc. is expected to release OS X Lion this month. Some of our software titles that are available at Mac App Store may not be compatible with OS X Lion for now. Only after Apple, Inc. releases OS X Lion, we plan to work on software updates to make sure our software titles will all be compatible with Lion. The reason why we work on compatible software updates not right now but after they release Lion is that there is a long list of software titles that Apple, Inc. hasn’t reviewed. The following is a list.

DeskPics (update)
LittleCal Pro
AskKey Pro
Shotgun A to Z (update)
d-d ZoneX (update)
CopyReady (update)
Image2Go (update)
Movie2Shot (update)
VersionsX (update)

At this stage, we cannot even tell when Mac App Store will finish reviewing all software titles and updates listed above. And we cannot tell when they will be ready to work on compatible software updates that we are soon to submit.