What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Releasing Icons2Pics

Mac software Icons2Pics

TOKYO (MacHouse) – You never know when you come with a new idea. It often happens out of the blue. Well, that was about 24 hours ago. And we now have the second software release of the month. A new software title is called Icons2Pics .

Mac software Icons2Pics
Source: MacHouse

Icons2Pics is a simple application that will allow the user to convert any number of application icons into graphic images of various sizes at a time.  All you have to do is drag and drop applications directly onto the listbox, choose an export format and select image sizes and an export destination and then click on Export. You can set default export format, image sizes and destination folder in Preferences. So you could just import applications and then click on Export right away. Is that simple enough for you?

Mac software Icons2Pics
Source: MacHouse

Click on the button for more information on Icons2Pics. VTC

Icons2Pics is a product of MacHouse.

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Releasing FontsView

Mac software FontsView

TOKYO (MacHouse) – It hasn’t even been five days since we released the last software title. But we are ready to introduce a new one. The first software title of the month to introduce is called FontsView .

Mac software FontsView
Source: MacHouse

FontsView is a simple text previewer with the font of your choice.  Sometimes, it’s not very easy to pick the best font especially if you have hundreds of them to choose from.  FontsView will let you quickly preview text with a given font so that you can pick the best choice.  Choosing File > Export, you can generate an HTML file with lines of text with all available fonts along with a text color and text size of your choice.

Click on the button for more information on FontsView. VTC

FontsView is a product of MacHouse.

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  1. What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse To Update FontsView