What’s Coming Up Next? Tomato Software Introducing CodeBlue Reader for iOS

iOS Swift iPad CodeBlue Reader

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – It was terribly hot till several days ago, and it’s been quite cool lately. But I know that the scorching summer is approaching that scares me quite a bit.

Didn’t I publish a new iOS app just last week? Believe it or not, I’m ready to go for another one. This new release is called CodeBlue Reader.

Some people commute. I did that for five days a week last year. When you write lines of code at a remote office and also at home, it’s difficult to share data between two or more locations. CodeBlue 6, a desktop application that is available at Mac App Store, is useful. But you may not be able to use it at your office. In fact, last year, I went home and do some homework by using CodeBlue to PDF-print some code snippets and load them with my old iPad almost every week day. That was tiring. Well, I have a better idea. How about developing an iPad app that lets me read CodeBlue 6 data so that I don’t have to go home and do homework? So this is it.

CodeBlue Reader is an iPad-only app that lets you read a code dataset for CodeBlue 6. You can switch groups with a finger tap. The title list shows five color levels of importance besides a plain level. If necessary, export the selected code snippet as a text file so that you can share it with other apps.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? Tomato Software Introducing Angry Expenses for iOS

iOS Swift iPhone iPad Angry Expenses

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – Hot, hot, hot! Who likes this scorching summer? I don’t. It’s too hot for me.

It’s been a few months since I submitted a new iOS app to App Store. You know what!? I’ve just submitted a new one to the App Store. This new submission is an iOS app called Angry Expenses.

Angry Expenses is an iPhone-only app that lets you manage and organize your daily expenses. The main app screen is a virtual calendar where you can tap any of the day-of-the-month button to record your expense.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? Tomato Software Introducing Angry Events for iOS

iOS Swift iPhone iPad Angry Events

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – What I look forward to in a few weeks is the cherry blossom, of course. They are quite pretty in the spring, you know? Anyway, I have just submitted to App Store is an iOS app called Angry Events. It’s an iOS app that lets you send event notifications to your device, whether or not the app is running. Create a single event reminder by tapping a calendar day button. Create a routine event that is to occur every day at the same time until you cancel it. Or tap the Multiple button to create a series of events that are to occur at the same time by picking one or more dates with a calendar date picker. Additionally, tap the Weekly button to create weekly events that are to occur on particular days of the week.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? Tom Bluewater Introducing Angry Notes 2 for iOS

iOS Swift iPhone iPad Angry Notes 2

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – Angry Notes 2 is an updated version of a free iOS app that I released just a week ago. This updated version lets you create groups just like Apple’s Notes. What this app can do that Notes can’t do is that you can set a color to the title of a text record. Also, you can protect personal data while you aren’t using the app..  Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? Tom Bluewater Introducing AngryNotes for iOS

iOS Swift iPhone iPad AngryNotes

TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – It’s hot! And I’m angry. I’m so angry that I’ve decided to create a new iOS app in SwiftUI. The app that I spent three days in developing is called AngryNotes. Well, I just submitted it to App Store a few minutes ago. So it won’t be available for another two or three days.

AngryNotes is a plain text viewer and editor for iOS users. I don’t quite like Apple’s Notes for iOS in some respects. Notes lets you read and write text at the same time. So you can end up losing one when in fact you intend to select and copy a word. And it’s RTF-based. So you can end up with a mixture of regular and bold text styles if you copy and paste text from some web site. And my list goes on and on.

So here comes AngryNotes. It lets you read and write notes but not on the same board. AngryNotes is a plain-text reader. And you won’t end up losing a word or more when you just want to select and copy some segment of text. AngryNotes supports the contextual menu. When you read notes with it, you can select different text sizes and fonts.  Continue reading