TOKYO (Tom Bluewater) – The scorching summer continues. I don’t even know when the rainy season ended in the Tokyo area. Has it ended? Anyway, I had double releases at the end of the last month. And I’m having another round of double releases. The first one to go is called Angry Images.
Apple’s Preview is getting more and more difficult to use, do you agree? When I first used it at the turn of the century, it was amazing. Well, that’s more than 20 years ago. Nowadays, when you save a translucent PNG image as a JPEG file to disk, it won’t automatically have a white background. I know the workaround. You have to export it as a PNG file without the alpha option, first. You then grab that PNG file and export it as a JPEG file. That’s too much trouble for just having a white background over the transparent area in a JPEG image, isn’t it? The worst part of Preview is that you can end up destroying the original file unless you consciously choose Duplicate under File to make a duplicate right at the beginning.
Angry Images offers missing pieces that old software titles used to have: Don’t destroy original files without asking! Angry Images is designed not to overwrite existing files wherever you decide to save new images. And it won’t destroy your original image files. If you just want to have a white back layer behind a translucent image, all the steps you have to take is (1) drag and drop files onto the application window (2) select JPEG as an export format from a drop-down menu (3) click on Export All and select a volume or a folder where to save new images. That’s all. Do you need more steps for that?
Another reason for Angry Images to come into existence is that Preview doesn’t let you change the hue level and the saturation level of an image. Angry Images lets you change the hue level, the saturation level, the brightness level and the contrast level of an image. On top of these color variations, you can set a new image size individually if necessary when you have multiple images listed. Continue reading →