Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Game Play Video Part III – 6 Minutes

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Mac Boot Camp

This QuickTime movie shows the gameplay of Ubisoft‘s Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. It was released on May 18, 2010 in North America and on May 20 in Europe. This gameplay video covers the very last part in fighting the final boss. The gameplay video is quite short. It lasts for just 6 minutes and 18 seconds.

The last video of the Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands gameplay series shows the final battle. This guy is strong. If you don’t know how to beat the guy, you can spend hours in vain with this guy. Actually, it’ll take you one trick to beat him.   Continue reading

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Game Play Video Part II – 37 Minutes

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Mac Boot Camp

This QuickTime movie shows the gameplay of Ubisoft‘s Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. The game was released on May 18, 2010 in North America and on May 20 in Europe. This gameplay video covers part of The Prison and part of The Sewer. The gameplay video is almost 38 minutes long.   Continue reading

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Game Play Video Part I – 53 Minutes

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Mac Boot Camp

A decade after Brøderbund developed and released Prince of Persia 2, Ubisoft released several more out of this successful game franchise. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is the latest game from Ubisoft. If you have enjoyed playing Prince of Persia (2008), chances are that you may not like The Forgotten Sands. The latest release is similar to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. In The Forgotten Sands, you will spend a lot of time jumping from one pillar to another, thinking about how to reach that end of a room. And, unlike Prince of Persia (2008), you are pretty much alone in the entire quest. Personally, I liked Prince of Persia (2008). After finishing the entire game, I don’t have a good overall impression over The Forgotten Sands.

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Mac Boot Camp The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Mac Boot Camp

So what I don’t like about The Forgotten Sands? Yes. The graphics are good. Unless you are a fan of The Sands of Time, however, you will get tired of repeating the same sequence. In this game, you explore a big room by jumping from a pillar to another to reach the other side. Then you will go through a hallway into another room, avoiding traps. Then you will fight some low-level enemies. Occasionally, you run into a level boss, which is weak. Actually, the same boss will show up again and again.   Continue reading

Tom Clancy’s HAWX with Boot Camp – Tom Clancy’s HAWX Game Play Video Part 5 – 29 Minutes

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

Tom Clancy’s HAWX is the latest PC game release from Ubisoft. It was developed by Ubitsoft’s game studio in Romania. Tom Clancy’s HAWX is also available for X360 and PS3. It will soon be available for Wii.

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

This QuickTime video shows an entire game play from the fifth single-player campaign titled Operation: Glass Hammer. This is an interesting mission because you will have to attack and destroy enemy tanks, jets and bombers over the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It’s also a tough single-player campaign because the entire mission will last much longer than you expect.

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

Again, there are several airplanes available in this mission. The one that I chose is Su-27 Flanker, which is equipped with 120 Joint Strike missiles and 32 Multi Target AA missiles. You will quickly run out of Multi Target AA missiles because you will be surrounded by airplanes constantly. If you don’t act quickly, you will also be attacked from tanks on the ground and war vessels at sea.   Continue reading

Tom Clancy’s HAWX with Boot Camp – Tom Clancy’s HAWX Game Play Video Part 4 – 12 Minutes

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

Tom Clancy’s HAWX is the latest PC game release from Ubisoft. It was developed by Ubitsoft’s game studio in Romania. Tom Clancy’s HAWX is also available for X360 and PS3. It will soon be available for Wii.

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

This QuickTime video shows an entire game play from the fourth single-player campaign titled Operation: Blacklight. In support of the NATO anti-terrorist operation, you will fly the jet over the mountains in Afghanistan. The main objective is to escort a bomber to a suspected Afghan terrorist training camp. The bomber will be constantly under attack in the sky.

Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp Tom Clancy's HAWX Ubisoft Mac Boot Camp

There are several airplanes available in this mission. The one that I’ve chosen is Mig-29 Fulcrum, which is equipped with 160 Joint Strike missiles and 52 Multi Target AA missiles.

This single-player campaign is definitely the toughest challenge so far, tougher than the next one. It took me a few hours to clear it. Nonetheless, this game play video lasts for 12 and a half minutes only. In fact, it looks like a simple campaign if you watch it. I accidentally deleted all game video files for Campaign IV after completing V. So I had to play this campaign all over again. The toughest part of this campaign is to strike three SAMs with missiles. If you don’t do it quickly enough, the bomber will be eventually shot down before reaching the training camp. But doing so is not easy at all because of Afghanistan’s rugged terrain. You really need a good plan to destroy three SAMs swift and easy.   Continue reading