What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing textLook for Mac OS X

Mac software textLook

TOKYO (MacHouse) – Hmm… We were going to quickly upgrade Pict2Curl with a feature that is only available with Mavericks. But that attempt failed a couple of days ago. Well, we have a backup plan. In fact, we submitted our second software title of the month to Mac App Store about an hour ago. This new software release is called textLook.

Sometimes, we just want to see where a particular key phrase appears in a text document, don’t we? Maybe, you want them highlighted with a color of your selection? textLook is a simple desktop application for that purpose. It lets you visually locate the occurrences of one or more key phrases you specify in a text document. If it’s just the matter of one key phrase, enter one to locate in the top text field. Or open the Keys window to set multiple key phrases to locate visually.  

Mac software textLook   Mac software textLook

Available at Mac App Store
Mac App Store


  1. Search text for a single key or multiple keys.
  2. Search text for keys case-sensitively or case-insensitively.
  3. Choose a highlight color.
  4. Choose a text font size.
  5. Import text from a text file (.text, .txt).
  6. Develop a list of key phrases to run a search against. Choose Save Keys under Key so that textLook will load the list next time you start it up again.
  7. Save text with highlighted key phrases as an RTF document.
  8. Language: English only.
  9. The application supports the Retina display.
  10. The fullscreen mode is supported.
  11. Application file size: 1.1 MB
  12. The application comes with a complete user’s guide written in English. (Choose Help > User’s Guide.)

System requirements

  1. Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
  2. 64-bit system


  1. A key must be at least 2-letter long.

Version history

Note: Release dates are ones when updates are announced here, not when updates are actually released at Mac App Store. We make no promise that they will be accepted by iTunes Connect and then released at Mac App Store.

1.0.4 (Released on March 24, 2015)

  1. When the user removed an input text string, the old count number remained.
  2. A few other minor changes and fixes are done.

1.0.3 (Released on November 16, 2013)

  1. Fix: When the user opened Keys, the Delete All Keys command could be active whether there is one or more keys in the list.
  2. Fix: The invalidation mark did not disappear when the user switched to the multiple key mode.
  3. The user can reload keys by choosing Reload Keys under Key while the Keys window is open.

Trial/Demo version

Click here to download a trial version. Meanwhile, if you regularly review Mac software, you may be eligible for receiving free coupon codes, which can be redeemed at Mac App Store. Click here for more information.

textLook is a product of MacHouse.
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

9 thoughts on “What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing textLook for Mac OS X

  1. I purchased textLook and entered a search phrase (key). How do you launch the search for the phrase?

  2. I purchased textLook today. I want to search for an important phrase in a “lost file” when I updated my Mac OS to OSX Yosemite. How is a search started from inside the app? I placed the search text in the top window, but there does not seem to be a way to start the app’s searching function. Is the textLook self-starting?


  3. Ken,

    Thank you for your using textLook. The answer to your question as to ‘ Is the textLook self-starting?’ is Yes. You don’t have to click on a button or anything. When you enter a search phrase in the key field, the application will automatically highlight matches.

  4. hi, i want to be able to hi light different words/phrases with a different colour but in the same doc. or assign colours to different words/ phrases but to show in the same doc.
    can this be done?

  5. I now understand what you mean. This application is not a document-based one. So it won’t let you open a new window while the current one is open.

    What you can do is to click on the floppy-disk-like save button over the toolbar menu after searching a word and then save the current document state as an RTF file. Then open a new document and select a different highlight color and perform a search. And click on the save button to create an RTF file again. Does that make sense?

  6. so what your saying is i have to open the doc in multiple windows and do separate searches ?

  7. ok, i get it, but it would be better if i could perform 1 search and assign different words/phrases to different colours. thanks

  8. I am afraid that the way the current application architecture doesn’t let me achieve that goal. In order to comply with your request, I would have to take a nuclear measure by starting from scratch.

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