What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing deskShots for Mac OS X

Mac software deskShots

TOKYO (MacHouse) – Taking a desktop screenshot is something we do daily if not weekly or monthly. It’s just the matter of pressing Command + Shift + #3 or #4, right? Well, how do you highlight the area surrounding the mouse pointer, then? The software title that we submitted to Mac App Store several hours ago is not an ordinary screenshot application. This new software submission is called deskShots, by the way.

deskShots gives you several interesting options when you take a desktop screenshot. You of course have options of including or not including the mouse pointer. Would you also like to highlight the area surrounding the mouse pointer? You can choose a highlight color and its size (diameter). And, of course, you have options of taking a screenshot of the entire desktop area or defining a partial work area. Finally, click on the big green button to take a screen. Wait, do you want to take a screenshot immediately or maybe in 5 or 10 seconds?  

Mac software deskShots   Mac software deskShots

Available at Mac App Store
Mac App Store


  1. Include or not include the mouse pointer in a screenshot.
  2. Have options of highlighting or not highlighting the area surrounding the mouse pointer with a color of your choice.
  3. Select an export folder to which the application can send screenshots. And you won’t be prompted to name a file every time you take a screenshot.
  4. Have options of possibly overwriting or not overwriting an existing file.
  5. Take a screenshot of the entire desktop area or define a partial region for which to take a screenshot.
  6. Create as many presets as you need to define a partial work area.
  7. Have options of taking a screenshot immediately or let deskShots delay and hide the application window.
  8. Press Command + E to abort the screenshot process while the application is counting numbers down to 1.
  9. Language: English only.
  10. The application supports the Retina display.
  11. Application file size: 2.2 MB
  12. The application comes with a complete user’s guide written in English. (Choose Help > User’s Guide.)

System requirements

  1. Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8 (tested with 10.8.4), 10.9 (tested with 10.9.5), 10.10 (tested with 10.10.0)
  2. 64-bit system
  3. A monitor capable of displaying at least 848 x 452 points is recommended


  1. The maximum glow diameter is 999 points.
  2. The user can delay in taking a screenshot up to 20 seconds.
  3. The user has five graphic format options: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, TIFF.
  4. A partial desktop area must be at least 200 x 200 points.

Version history

Note: Release dates are ones when updates are announced here, not when updates are actually released at Mac App Store. We make no promise that they will be accepted by iTunes Connect and then released at Mac App Store.

1.1.0 (Released on May 9, 2015)

  1. The development target is set to Mac OS X 10.8, cutting Mac OS X 10.7 out.
  2. Fix: The application did not save desktop image at right dimensions for Retina display users.
  3. When clicking on the Show button, the user has options of revealing the very folder or its contents. For the latter, turn on the 4th checkbox button under the General settings tab of Preferences.
  4. Fix: The Create button for creating a preset and the Update button for updating an existing preset did not have the right key-equivalent set.

1.0.7 (Released on January 9, 2015)

  1. After the last update, the width and height fields under the Clip label were reversely ordered.

1.0.6 (Released on January 8, 2015)

  1. The application icon is modified to comply with a Mac App Store rule.

1.0.5 (Released on December 29, 2014)

  1. Deprecated methods are fixed.
  2. Preferences: The user is now able to start the first screenshot with _001 when the overwrite checkbox is on.
  3. The user is now able to save the screenshot name without opening Preferences.
  4. A few other changes and fixes are done.

1.0.3 (Released on November 7, 2013)

  1. Fix: The application could highlight the area around the mouse pointer even when the Glow around mouse pointer checkbox was turned off.

1.0.2 (Released on November 4, 2013)

  1. Fix: The white vertical line appeared to the right of the image on the preview display.

1.0.1 (Released on November 3, 2013)

  1. Fix: The application did not validate a partial desktop area properly.

Trial/Demo version

Click here to download a trial version. Meanwhile, if you regularly review Mac software, you may be eligible for receiving free coupon codes, which can be redeemed at Mac App Store. Click here for more information.

Video tutorial

A video tutorial with text commentary is available in the form of a QuickTime movie. Click here. The data size is 60.7 MB and the movie duration is 6 minutes and 32 seconds.

deskShots is a product of MacHouse.