What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing MakeCheckerboard for Mac OS X

Mac software MakeCheckerboard

TOKYO (MacHouse) – It’s been more than 10 days since we released the last software title. Just about half an ago, though, we submitted the fourth software release of the month to Mac App Store. This new release is called MakeCheckerboard.

Mac software MakeCheckerboard   Mac software MakeCheckerboard

MakeCheckerboard is a Mac desktop application that lets you create and save checkerboard (alternating square tiles) as image. You can set two alternating colors as well as dimensions of square tiles. These alternating colors don’t have to be 100% opaque (not completely transparent). So you can control each color’s opacity level on the color picker panel.

MakeCheckerboard is a very small application. The file size is about 740 KB, probably the smallest of all Objective-C applications we’ve built over the last eight or nine months. That doesn’t mean it was easy to program. In fact, we faced some difficulties partly due to Apple‘s sandbox restrictions.  

Available at Mac App Store
Mac App Store


  1. Choose two alternating colors with or without alpha (transparency).
  2. Set square tile dimension value between 1 and 350 px (inclusive).
  3. Set export dimension values between 1 and 6,400 pixels (inclusive).
  4. Full Screen is supported.
  5. Undo/Redo changes for colors and square dimension value on the main application window.
  6. Save checkerboard as image (BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000 or PNG).
  7. Select default alternating colors as well as default export path and graphic format in Preferences.
  8. Language: English only.
  9. The application supports the Retina display.
  10. Application file size: 741 KB
  11. The application comes with a complete user’s guide written in English. (Choose Help > User’s Guide.)

System requirements

  1. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or higher (compatible with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks)
  2. 64-bit system


  1. Maximum export dimensions of checkerboard to save as image are 6,400 x 6,400 px. Each side must have at least 1 px.

Version history

Note: Release dates are ones when updates are announced here, not when updates are actually released at Mac App Store. We make no promise that they will be accepted by iTunes Connect and then released at Mac App Store.

1.1.0 (Released on October 21, 2013)

  1. In order to make the application compatible with Mac OS X Mavericks, a series of changes are made. The previous export command under File is divided into Export To JPEG, Export To PNG and Export To TIFF.

1.0.2 (Released on August 27, 2013)

  1. Tick marks were missing on the square tile dimension slider control.
  2. A few other minor changes are done.

Trial/Demo version

Click here to download a trial version. Meanwhile, if you regularly review Mac software, you may be eligible for receiving free coupon codes, which can be redeemed at Mac App Store. Click here for more information.

MakeCheckerboard is a product of MacHouse.

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