What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing eHarvest

Windows software eHarvest

TOKYO (MacHouse) – As we noted last time, we are a bit slow this month since we’ve been brushing up existing Windows software titles. Anyway, the second software title of the month has just been released. It’s called eHarvest.

Windows software eHarvest   Windows software eHarvest

eHarvest is a simple solution to extracting e-mail addresses from a body of text. If you have text files (.txt) to scan for possible e-mail addresses, you can simply choose File > Open. Or drag and drop a selection of text directly onto the top text field.

eHarvest doesn’t have many functions yet. And a beta trial version doesn’t allow the user to edit the top-level domain list. We will make sure that you will get to add new top-level domains to the list and delete/edit existing ones when we release a full version at Microsoft‘s app store.

This software title is currently distributed as a freeware title as it’s still in beta. You can use it without limitations till May 1, 2012. It’s been tested for Windows 7 64-bit. In order to use eHarvest, you must have a display capable of showing at least 900 x 650 pixels.

Click on the button for more information on eHarvest. VTC

eHarvest is a product of MacHouse.
Windows is a product of Microsoft Corporation.

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