What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing LittleClean

Mac software LittleClean

TOKYO (MacHouse) – We are in a big transition as we intend to switch to Windows OS. That explains why we haven’t released many Mac software titles lately. Anyway, we’ve just introduced a new one. It’s called LittleClean

Mac software LittleClean
Source: MacHouse

LittleClean will let users batch-change file names in a particular folder.  All you have to do is create a new list of file names by removing letters or replace them with others after opening a source folder.  What you see in the middle pane is what you will get when you click on Execute.

It sounds similar to NameRanger? Hmm… Yes and no… NameRanger lets you append numbers in a particular folder while LittleClean allows the user to remove a letter or replace a letter with another.

Mac software LittleClean
Source: MacHouse

Click on the button for more information on LittleClean. VTC

LittleClean is a product of MacHouse.

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