Mac App Store Rejects a Software Update for DeskPics

Mac software DeskPics

It has been more than two months (two months) since we submitted a software update for DeskPics. Today, Mac App Store rejected this software update by saying the following.

The app does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes.

We have found that changing the file type the screen shot is saved to requires two actions: Selecting the file type from the displayed list, then choosing the same file type (in the form of an extension) from a file name dialog. This is confusing to users, and should be simplified or clarified in the application (not in just documentation).

The App Review Board has reviewed this information ahead of time and has upheld this violation.

Mac App Store has repeatedly rejected this software update in the past two months for baseless reasons. We’ve tried very hard to explain why their rejection reasons are wrong. There is nothing more than we can do to deliver this software update to current users.

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