What’s Coming Next? – MacHouse to Release TimeLeft4

Mac software TimeLeft4

TOKYO (MacHouse) – There haven’t been many days since we introduced the last software product. In fact, we are ready to release a new Mac software title. It’s called TimeLeft4. How much time left 4 the debut of TimeLeft4? It’s about 10 hours.

TimeLeft4 is a Mac application that will notify the user of events with the remaining time (days, hours, minutes, seconds). It’s quite simple to use. All you have to do is set the date and time of an event to occur in the future. You can write a quick reminder as Message, which TimeLeft4 will run as a text roll on the notification window. When the target date & time arrives, TimeLeft4 will alert you with an alarm sound.  

Mac software TimeLeft4   Mac software TimeLeft4

For example, if you are patiently counting down the remaining days till the London Olympic Games begin, don’t do it yourself. Let TimeLeft4 do the job. Simply, set the date and time to 2012-07-27-00-00-00. And TimeLeft4 will keep you updated for the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds left for this event. You want to know the TimeLeft4 of Barack Obama’s 49th birthday? Hmm… It’s about 111 days.

TimeLeft4 is a product of MacHouse.

4 thoughts on “What’s Coming Next? – MacHouse to Release TimeLeft4

  1. what is this

    An exception of class NiloBjectsExeption was not handle. The supplication must shut down.

  2. An exception of class NiloBjectsExeption was not handle. The supplication must shut down
    In Macbook 13″ 2.4 GHz Mem 4 GB
    MacOsx Lion 10.7.2

    when put new date picker : An exception of class NiloBjectsExeption was not handle. The supplication must shut down

  3. Thank you for your information.

    Mac software TimeLeft4

    I’ve tested the Mac App Store version of application under OS X Lion 10.7.2. And I didn’t have trouble. That doesn’t mean there’s no software bug that you’ve reported. For now, I don’t see it.

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