This QuickTime movie shows a game play of The Lord of the Rings: Conquest. This game play comes from the War of the Ring Campaign and its second level Isengard. The following 18-minute QuickTime video contains all cinematic movies.
Some people may find the first game play video of The Lord of the Rings: Conquest that we released a few days ago a little boring. Hopefully, they will find this game play video more exciting. In this level, I played the following classes: Archer, Scout, Warrior and Mage (Gandalf as hero). Scout may not be a very powerful unit. But his Cloak attack is powerful enough to kill Grima Wormtongue in one strike by sneak-approaching and standing right behind him. Another interesting aspect of this level is that you will play an Ent almost at the end. You can smash and kill a few bad guys at a time with just one strike.
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The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a product of Eletronic Arts and Pandemic Studios.