What’s Coming Up Next? – Tom Bluewater Introducing TileObject Chopper for Mac OS X

Mac OS X software TileObject Chopper

TOKYO (MacHouse) – I’ve spent the last four weeks developing a new platform game with Sprite Kit. Game development is quite tiring as you probably know if you do it all by yourself. And it can take weeks or even months. So I’ve decided to quickly release a desktop application. I have already submitted it to Mac App Store. This new release is called TileObject Chopper.

Mac software TileObject Chopper

Tom Bluewater
  Mac software TileObject Chopper

Tom Bluewater

TileObject Chopper is a derivative of an existing desktop application called TileObject, which is already available at Mac App Store. The sole purpose of using the former is to chop a large platform game map (like 6,400 px times 128 px) into smaller square tiles. The beauty of using this application is that it will generate a file containing lines of Objective-C code so that you can read your texture altas fairly easily with Sprite Kit.   Continue reading