TOKYO (MacHouse) – Xcode is a great IDE application. But it has made us difficult to design application icons since it no longer supports ICNS files. Instead, you have to place 10 PNG files in the small squares of an AppIcon box, which can be painful if you end up redesigning the icon over and over again. So this icon issue has made JustTomato (an existing desktop application) near-useless.
These days, I’ve been thinking about upgrading JustTomato. I need a desktop application that lets me create icon files such that I can use them with Xcode easily every time I change icon design. And that’s how I have come up with justIcons 2, a successor to JustTomato.
justIcons 2 supports three different development platforms, letting you create icon files for all of them out of a single image. As far as the OS X platform is concerned, by default, justIcons 2 no longer generates ICNS files. Instead, the application will create a folder containing an AppIcon (.appiconset) folder with 10 icon files and a Contents (.json) file in it. So you can just drop this folder into the Images (.xcassets) folder of your Xcode project. Furthermore, on top of OS X and iOS, justIcons 2 also supports the watchOS platform and lets you create six different icon files for the 42mm screen. Continue reading