What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing GMT2What for iPad

iOS software iPad GMT2What

TOKYO (MacHouse) – So far, we’ve already released four iOS application this month. Year 2013 is near, and it’s just a few hours away. And we are releasing one more iOS application this application before the year of 2012 ends. It’s called GMT2What.

iOS software iPad GMT2What   iOS software iPad GMT2What

GMT2What is a simple iPad application that allows the user to convert a GMT time into the time of the timezone area you select. Many remote servers GMT as the standard time by setting it to 0. Speaking of a Greenwich Mean time, one can get confused in translating it into a local time especially if it’s in the past.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing GetHours for iPad

iOS software iPad GetHours

TOKYO (MacHouse) – So it’s been more than 10 days since we released the last iOS application. Actually, we had to wait for Apple to resume iTunes Connect so that we could upload a new application. And we’ve just released a new iPad application, which is called GetHours.

GetHours is a virtual time clock system that lets you use your iPad to manage the work time of hourly workers instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a physical device. The employer signs in as an administrator who has permission to create a list of employees with their names and check-in IDs. Then set a work day and turn on the clock-in or clock-out switch. Finally, your employees can clock in (or clock out) by selecting their name from a list. GetHours can tell whether or not a particular employee has already clocked in. So your employees cannot clock in or clock out more than once on the same work day. Moreover, GetHours is designed such that employees can never clock out unless they have clocked in in the first place.

iOS software iPad GetHours   iOS software iPad GetHours

GetHours doesn’t just record work hours. You can run a query to generate a list of work hours for individual employees or the entire work force. You can then e-mail this text output to yourself. An output sheet shows what time an employee has clocked in and out with the total number of hours (with two decimal points below zero) automatically calculated for each work day.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing eDice Portable for iPad

iOS software iPad eDice Portable

TOKYO (MacHouse) – If you use the Internet, you need a random password generator, as sharing the same password over different accounts is a bad idea. But developing a random password generator is not that easy for iOS because Objective-C doesn’t have a common string function for shuffling elements. Well, we’ve somehow taken care of that part. And we just submitted our very first free iOS application to App Store some 20 minutes ago. It’s called eDice Portable.

iOS software iPad eDice Portable   iOS software iPad eDice Portable

eDice Portable is an iPad version of a random password generator package that we use with Windows applications. eDice Portable lets you generate random passwords of length up to 200 characters that consists of lowercase & uppercase alphabetic letters, numbers, special characters, Greek letters, Japanese hiragana, Japanese katakana. Opening preferences, they can configure their default settings.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing RollerText for iPad

iOS software iPad RollerText

TOKYO (MacHouse) – So it’s now mid-December. And there’s been only one iOS application release from us so far this month. Actually, we’ve just submitted a new one to Apple‘s App Store. This new iOS software release is called RollerText.

iOS software iPad RollerText   iOS software iPad RollerText

RollerText? You mean, Rollerscript? hehehe… The name sounds familiar, doesn’t it? RollerText is quite similar to an existing Windows application of ours called Rollerscript. So RollerText is a virtual teleprompter that allows the user to roll text letter by letter. It’s like Rollerscript, and you can set your own body of text, controlling the speed at which it appears, setting text color, text size, background color and text font. You can also set a count down timer in order to delay in text appearance. Moreover, Rollerscript lets you save documents. So you can select a body of text to roll with just a click on a button.   Continue reading

What’s Coming Up Next? – MacHouse Introducing 7evenTimes for iPad

iOS software iPad 7evenTimes

TOKYO (MacHouse) – It’s been a while since we released our last iOS application considering that we used to release at least five Windows applications a month. Well, it happens when you switch to a new software development platform. Anyway, our second iPad application is ready. It’s called 7evenTimes Portable.

iOS software iPad 7evenTimes   iOS software iPad 7evenTimes

7evenTimes? Hmm… It sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yes, we have a Windows application called 7evenTimes. And 7evenTimes Portable (hereafter, 7evenTimes) is designed just for iPad users. Anyway, 7evenTimes is a real-time reminder that can be used to remind you of time-sensitive events. When you select a time event in the list, the top display window will count down the remaining time of the event arrival. A time event may be accompanied by a message (a sub title), which will scroll from right to left on the display window.

7evenTimes comes with a feature called Reminder. Reminder will go over all the events you have created every five seconds to see if any of them is about to expire. For example, you can set up Reminder in a way that it will remind you of events that are to expire in 2 days or less. If there is at least one such event, then a top button will blink. Clicking on it, you can find out exactly which events are going to expire.   Continue reading