BioShock Game Play Video Part 3 – 38 Minutes

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

This game play video comes from the Mac version of BioShock that was released by Feral Interactive on October 7, 2009.

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

Last time, Jack beat Dr. Steinman and managed to get a key to the emergency access. Before leaving Medical Pavilion Foyer, Jack wants to explore the area and acquire Adam by rescuing Little Sisters from Big Daddies.   Continue reading

BioShock Game Play Video Part 2 – 58 Minutes

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

This game play video comes from the Mac version of BioShock that was released by Feral Interactive on October 7, 2009.

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

Last time, Jack tried to reach Neptune’s Bounty to find Atlas‘ family. But access to Neptune’s Bounty was shut down. Fortunately, there’s another way of reaching there, according to Atlas. It’s through Medical Pavilion Foyer where there’s an emergency access route. In order to use this route, Jack must get a key from Dr. Steinman, who doesn’t look tough, but…   Continue reading

BioShock Game Play Video Part 1 – 39 Minutes

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

BioShock is a one-person action game that was originally developed by 2K Boston and 2K Australia. The PC version was released by 2K Games on August 21, 2007. The Mac version was released by Feral Interactive on October 7, 2009.

Though BioShock is more than two years old, it’s quite a unique game to date. The game constantly plays old music from 60’s. During the game, there are announcements where they talk as if the time were 60’s like the following.

What’s the matter, Mary? You look like you could use a boost!
I don’t feel so great. I’m dizzy, I’m nauseous, and sometimes I’m even seeing things that aren’t there.

Some foes wear a bizarre mask. It really is a cool game though you won’t get the feeling of having fun for the first few hours or so.

Brief story

One night in 1960, Jack finds himself on board an airplane. He is thinking about his parents, who once said how proud they were of him. Then, in a matter of a minute or so, the airplane crashes in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

Jack somehow survives the crash. And he manages to reach a small island of some sort. There’s a building barely illuminated by several torches. As soon as he enters this building, the door closes itself right behind his back, and music starts. He then carefully takes stairs. When he enters a small, round room and pulls a lever, the room itself quickly goes under the water and stops at about 18 fathoms (108 ft) below the surface. Then a short movie about a business tycoon named Andrew Ryan starts. After a while, the room containing Jack starts moving again and travels around an underwater city called Rapture.

BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game BioShock Feral Interactive Mac game

This game play video comes from the Mac version of BioShock that was released by Feral Interactive on October 7, 2009.

The first task is simple. A mysterious man named Atlas is the only chance for Jack’s survival. Atlas helps out Jack through a short-wave radio. And Atlas wants Jack to go to Neptune’s Bounty to find his family.   Continue reading

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with Boot Camp – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Game Play Video Part 3 – 13 Minutes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2 Mac Boot Camp

The following QuickTime video is a game play video of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The game was released by Activision just about a week ago.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2 Mac Boot Camp Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2 Mac Boot Camp

This game play video comes from Act II: The Hornet’s Nest. In the last game play video, they captured Alejandro Rojas in the favela. In this mission, Sgt. Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson and his men are surrounded by a couple of hundreds of militia soldiers. And they have to find a rescue helicopter and evacuate the area.   Continue reading